the only one | Teen Ink

the only one

June 19, 2011
By gabrielap. SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
gabrielap. SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

What you see in me, is beyond my comprehension. It's like your a disease. Or a very rare infection but there is no cure, and I am infected. When I am with you, I feel so protected. Your the one that makes me realize, exactly who I am. The only one that can listen and actually understand. I wish I could forever be in your life. But for now I'm holding on, and I'm holding on tight.

The author's comments:
Well teenagers fall in love a lot, or they think they do at least, and this is how a lot of them feel. They feel like their not good enough for their significant other, if that's what you want to call it, and they feel like that person is one of a kind. I have quite a bit experience with this feeling.


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