Hiding Behind This Mask | Teen Ink

Hiding Behind This Mask

August 7, 2011
By Dontcloseyoureyes PLATINUM, San Tan Valley, Arizona
Dontcloseyoureyes PLATINUM, San Tan Valley, Arizona
20 articles 3 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Someday i will find someone and realize why it never worked with anyone else."

I am mostly happy,
But sometimes I hide behind that.
I act like I'm happy,
But inside I'm crying.
Sometimes I let it slip-out,
That first tear leads to what seem Like a never ending flow.
I know it's wrong to wear a mask,
But if I didn't and you knew the real me,
Would you still be by my side?


This article has 3 comments.

Ms. Bowman said...
on Aug. 28 2011 at 8:44 pm


I am so proud of you!

You are so very insightful!

Keep writin'!

Ms. Bowman

on Aug. 27 2011 at 7:06 pm
Dontcloseyoureyes PLATINUM, San Tan Valley, Arizona
20 articles 3 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Someday i will find someone and realize why it never worked with anyone else."

yesss!!!! that what i was thinking when i wrote this!


on Aug. 23 2011 at 7:48 pm
casielynnxoxo SILVER, Pasadena, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You'll never fully understand someone, unless you are them."

The question at the end of this makes this poem. It makes you wonder who really cares what's on the inside.