Angels | Teen Ink


September 11, 2011
By Rotation2 SILVER, El Segundo, California
Rotation2 SILVER, El Segundo, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about"

What are angels?
Angels walk among us every day. Angels walk on the same sidewalks. Angels eat the meat from the same animal, though angels get the Filet Minion and those down below get the crap in a 79-cent burger. Who is to say angels live in the sky, and do good for others? The angels I see are those who are above; the wealthy, the talented, the lucky. They wear expensive lives and marks of luxury. Wearing a tiara crafted from the blood that went into their lifestyles. As those down below look around to only see the cold shadows that haunt the world they live in. Angels do not live in this world. That world is invisible to angels; to be an angel, is a world of immunity, a world of blindness, a world where the pain is hidden. The people down below live with the sorrows, and the cruel reminders of what they can’t have. Being unlucky is quite a burden. Do angels live in the sky? No. Do angels live in a different world than us? Yes. Are they more important than us? Yes. Do they help others in need? No. Do they feel they should? No.

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