Mirrors | Teen Ink


October 6, 2011
By HShelby BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
HShelby BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have enemies? Good. That means you&#039;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life <br /> Winston Churchill

When I look in the mirror…
I see a young man ready to change the game
I see a young man who will bring a lot of that change to his community.

People see a young man from the hood,
I see a young man who will not be another statistic
I see a man who will graduate from a post-secondary institution I see a man with a BA, MBA, and PHD after his name.

I see a young man who has in many ways always been wise beyond his years.
I see a young man who faced many personal challenges; However, I see a young man who has found a ways to accomplish a lot in such a short time.

Many people notice and respect me for my size and physical strength
I see a young man with a tenacious spirit
I see a young man who wants to improve the quality of his life through reading books and having enlightened discussions
I see a young man who has the ability to make connections with people both near and far
I see a young man who is taking the pieces of his family tree and building a life of his own
I see a young man who has been doing things his way, both on and off the field, in the classroom and out of the classroom.

I see a young man who is an individual. I see a young man who has been growing into and wearing his own shoes.

When I look in the mirror I see…

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