For You | Teen Ink

For You

January 30, 2008
By Anonymous

My eyes are closing by themselves
The midnight pushing
Them asleep;
That hour now has come and gone
For me to spare
What I may keep

And yet I’m here,
Still humming my
Unspoken lonely lullaby;
Waiting, smiling
Oh, so blue
For one more word,
Or two,
From you.

Tomorrow, I will fall awake
For knowledge of your
Secret smile,
And waste away
My perfect day
To catch a glimmer of your guile;

To walk with you
On lonesome streets,
And dine on tea and bitter sweets
Smiling stealthily, askew
For one more glance,
Or two,
At you.

The next day, maybe
I will fly,
Or steal away
Into the night
To fall into the midnight sky;
And find my solace there, alight,

Then plummet, mindless,
To the ground
The pain irrelevant, profound -
I care for nothing;
But I know
To sing for you,
And you alone.

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