Today's World | Teen Ink

Today's World

January 12, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

What happened to my world,
Is it all right now?
What happened to my world,
It doesn't seems so wow.

My world was likely,
greenery everywhere.
My world was likely,
Happiness here and there.

What happened to my world,
In some centuries.
The humans are cutting their trusted,
Most valuable trees.

Humans are fighting,
With each other.
Everyone is saying,
I will kill you brother.

Now that is not,
That what i thought.
That world will end like,
a sinking boat.
And it will happen,
Like a gun-shot.

I know,i know,
That it's a bad time.
Everyone Is killing others,
and everyone is doing crime.

Please someone save,
this world from destruction.
Please someone stop,
the evils production.

Wake up people,
It's our turn.
Save the humanity,
from getting burned.

I am just not writing,
I am also fighting.
From the evil's thoughts,
that is continue biting.

It's time to do,
once and for all.
Destroy the evil's,
home,shop and malls.
I don't want a single evil's thought.
If it is hiding in heart,
then try some bullet shots.

I don't know that,
How long it will take,
to solve the human's silly mistake.
At least we are ready,
and we are awake,
to solve the human's biggest mistake.

At last,few words,
I will write.
That don't do wrong things,
and don't fight.
Our life is a very,
complicated flight.
To land correctly,
you should do something right.

Don't harm the world,
don't kill Humanity.
It's everyone's right,
to live happily.

Live happily and,
let others live also.
Yes,it is the solution,
So let's say Bravo!,Bravo!.

The author's comments:
I don't like war and violence and specially cruelty.So i wrote this.

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