Footsteps in the Sand | Teen Ink

Footsteps in the Sand

January 23, 2012
By chloejohnson BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
chloejohnson BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The more I take, the more I leave behind.
Purposely digging my sun scorched feet
down into the toasted sand so they meet
the much cooler underground of the shore.

Separate from the chaotic outside
world at last. I only hear my own mind
but not of the tomorrow or the behind.
The tranquil sounds set my mind in repose.

Watching waves wash up small rocks through water.
This display of dancing stones hit my toes.
This place is sanctuary, no one knows:
This is the place where my memory goes.

Habitually, my musings take me here,
I enjoy these dreams when I’m nowhere near.
Though my footprints wash away in the sand,
Imprinted deeply within me is this land.

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