It's allright | Teen Ink

It's allright

January 21, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

When problems come near,
When mouth get shut.
When there's a moment of fear,
and we exclaims what!!!
And when situations become very tight.
Then i says to myself that "it's all right".

When we suffer from bad,
And when there's not even our dad,
Then my heart become sad.
And when the fear is over our head.
Then i says to myself that "it's all right".

When i wanted to die,
'cause of all this misery and curse.
And when i wished to run,
Then i found a lady's purse.
The purse had a bold writing on t,
And that's what i like.
And then i said that "it's all right".

That note was right,
So i found the shinning light.
That was hidden behind the,
Misery and death and night.
Then i ran to find,
That what's behind the shinning light.
OH MY GOD! there's my home,
My lovely home behind the lovely light.
Then i said that it is really-really all right.

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