Heaven's Star | Teen Ink

Heaven's Star

January 17, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

Music told me that,i am bad.
When i sings,other shake their head.
Not in happiness,but in extreme pain.
Then they whisper,
That by teasing us,what will he gain.

Am i such bad,please tell me.
That you don't even want to listen me.
I am trying to perform something best of mine.
Now what's my fault,if god has given me bad luck sign.

I said to them that nothing remains same forever,
If you don't believe then you can ask this to your neighbor.
I can also become a famous music star.
I can also,by even knowing that path is very far.

People believe me,
I can't tell lie to you my friends.
We can talk and we can also join our hands,
I will pay your money when i will be a famous music star.
For each of you,
i will buy a Mercedes car.

Peoples said to me,
That end this endless stupid talk.
You have a long way and you have miles to walk.
If you didn't pays us,
then will we get you locked.

I said to people that give me last chance,
You will be praising me,
when i will be earning money by music and dance.
Don't betray me,
I owe you my life to you once again.
I am not doing all these in vain.

And they said that,
you were telling us all in vain.
They were planning to kill me,
and selling my body parts.
Oh! how heartbreaking the situation will be for my heart.
I said to them that don't kill me i beg to you,
But they didn't listened and enjoyed my death with a brew.

But that was not the end of my desires,
In the heaven,there were so many of my music buyers.
Then i realized that they did they right,by killing me.
They drinked the brew and i will drink coffee.

The author's comments:
Imagination,imagination and puff, that is just my mind's crop that have grown very late.

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