A helping spirit | Teen Ink

A helping spirit

January 17, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

I know you are here,
I know you are there,
You helped me like your friend
I know, for me you are everywhere.

when i call you,you come for me
when i faced you, you named me zee
when problems come near to me.
you says to them,"hey,just flee".

I makes you my idol,
Because you talk so idle.
you don't want see me hurted,
even if i am bite by a normal spider.

people says me that you are an example of hallucination
do not describe it as it is your passion
we know you are ill and you need some meditation.
and by the way,do you want to go on vacation.

I said to people that don't talk to me like this,
and do you don't wanna know whose the fault is.
the spirit came to my life and promised me to help.
he said to me that you shouldn't let anybody know, not even your dad.

That was all the talk between me and the spirit.
and still you people are saying me to free it.
i don't know people, i really don't know.
How can i free it when i haven't captured it.

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