A Raindrop Falls to Oblivion | Teen Ink

A Raindrop Falls to Oblivion

March 25, 2012
By thehowlingraven BRONZE, Chesterfield, Virginia
thehowlingraven BRONZE, Chesterfield, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

More than a stroke of lightning or heavenly tear
In dying breaths dare utter to my anxious ear

So still the song, but unquiet the heart, worthless
All I become dies away in a thought wordless

And all that I was, swallowed by the lilting sea
Both vanished and thrived in every fragment of me

Existence in oceans of joy, all that I am
Is more than words, more than metaphysical man
Expresses in voice or stroke of a brush and fear

In the voice of raindrops, a voice once forgotten
The place for every heartbeat to speak again

The sweet song of myself, resonates in the bones
And bursts out from the soul that I would call my own

I, the lonely raindrop, fall to oblivion
And find a voice just before mortal explosion

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