The Urban Jungle | Teen Ink

The Urban Jungle

May 16, 2012
By Lauren Vecchio BRONZE, Commack, New York
Lauren Vecchio BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Life is draining in this Urban Jungle
Why does it take only one second for my world to crumble?
My roots struggle to be securely bound
To my past and to this so called holy ground
And why, to Mother Nature’s song, can’t anyone ever listen
Instead, we’re all judgmental creatures
As if Christ was never risen
Can you see my silent tears?
As they glide and glisten
Down my cheeks
Oh, my innocent cheeks
This jungle has intensified the sorrow of which I reek
Here in this jungle,
Survival is not that of the meek
The meek are the songbirds,
Merely echoes of the forest
These songbirds are barely living
Their souls are so malnourished
Even I, a drop of pure dew
Don’t understand what I have come to
With my cursed tongue
And this guttural garbage flinging from my lips
I hate this jungle
With every ounce of my melting being that drips
From my burning heart to my bleeding fingertips
But this is the jungle in which we abide
If you like it, congrats
And if you don’t, step aside

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