Solo Synestia | Teen Ink

Solo Synestia

May 18, 2012
By Kaitie Welch BRONZE, Miamisburg, Ohio
Kaitie Welch BRONZE, Miamisburg, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I feel the music gripping me,
I take a deep diving breath.
As I blow the music through the brass,
the sounds I see dance in my ears.
I try not to go into a fiery panic.

I hear the light pouring upon my face,
I gaze upon the rising volume the center stage shows.
I welcome the beautiful bouquet of chords,
for my bands are flinging musical flowers.
The noises I am producing are fragrant with emotion,
I am doing well in my satin trance,
that was enveloping my senses in a warm blanket.

I felt the music end with my heart and my eyes,
the sun had completely set on the air of my solo.
In a whirlwind the audience floated to their feet,
nothing but velvet light beamed from my smile.

My solo had gripped the heart of millions,
and now the caressing hand of cloud nine welcomed me.

The author's comments:
Written about a trumpet solo I performed at a band concert.

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