Desire | Teen Ink


June 1, 2012
By spidermonkyaftermathP BRONZE, SanFransisco, California
spidermonkyaftermathP BRONZE, SanFransisco, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Desire, it lives in everyone, and everything. Desire reaches out to us with a tempting wave, and encircles us, and tries to pull us in. Desire, and his twin, envy, can dispel our sense of right and wrong, and tempts us to steal, to deceive those we care, or may not care about. His domain is one of sadness, suffering caused by the want for what we cannot have. He is like the snake of the Garden of Eden, tempting us to commit wrongdoing. Desire is the cause of great evil, and greed, in the world today. It is an entity we cannot rid ourselves of, like a ball of glue, stuck to us, only to cause us stress, the stress of trying to remove it

The author's comments:
a piece i wrote for an english project

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