Growing Life | Teen Ink

Growing Life

September 18, 2012
By DevinHeaven117 SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
DevinHeaven117 SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Laugh your heart out<br /> Dance in the rain<br /> Cherish the memories<br /> Ignore the pain<br /> Love and learn<br /> Forget and forgive<br /> Because remember you <br /> Have only one life<br /> To Live!

life is like a flower
it should grow, and blossom
but taking drugs kills that flower
and so does alcohol

you should drink lots of water
eat healthy
and have some fun in the sun
because your life goes fast
especially on drugs or alcohol

your friends will sometimes
tell you its cool
if your friend tells you that
then they are not a real friend

just walk away and never look back
its there future, not yours
listen to your mind and heart
they will always tell you what is right

remember life is like a flower
it should grow, and blossom
but taking drugs kills that flower
and so does alcohol

The author's comments:
I was tired of seeing so many people that I care about under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I couldn't stand being around them and I just wanted them to be sober and happy, it's hard to deal with things in those types of situations.

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