Made Of Money | Teen Ink

Made Of Money

November 22, 2012
By cherrios33 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
cherrios33 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
3 articles 10 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Out of culture, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity&quot;.<br /> -Albert Einstein&lt;3

I have a bed made of money
Where's the warmth?
Where's my honey?
Pay for a mattress
Not for sleep
I lay here awake
Not sleeping a wink
Pillows fluffed
Sheets stitched with gold
But when It's time to rest my head
All I can feel is cold.
The bed is too big
Can fit more than one
It's such a shame I'm the only to come
What good does it do that I'm all alone
In a bed made of money and no one home?


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