One For The Abused | Teen Ink

One For The Abused

April 16, 2013
By NickDC SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
NickDC SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

This is one for the abused
The one's that suffer from neglect
The one's who are beaten for no reason
The one's who NEVER get respect
For the beautiful women
Living with domestic violence
Afraid of their partner
So they sit back in silence
For the six year old child
With a bad situation
Mom is on drugs
Pops beats him with no hesitation
For the eleven year old girl
Who's being molested by her father
While her mother is helpless
And can't provide protection for her daughter
For the nine year old boy
Who continuously suffers defeat
Pops is out, Moms is gone
He never has anything to eat
For the thirteen year old girl
Who's being trafficked for sex
Middle aged men get her
One after the next
For the seven year boy
Who gets the belt and never hugs
Mama's getting beat down too
Plus daddy's on drugs
For the sixteen year old girl
Who went and had sex unprotected
Nine months later, its her child
And not her that's being neglected
For the eighty-five year old woman
Who feels all alone
Family comes once a year
While she's getting abused in a nursing home
For the children of third world countries
Who's souls continue to freeze
Some are bred like soldiers
Others, taken by disease
This one for the people
Who are living in despair
The one's with no one to love
Because no one seems to care
So when you see a bad situation
Never find yourself being amused
This one for the neglected
This is one for the abused!

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