let me see | Teen Ink

let me see

July 9, 2013
By Anggiilahs SILVER, Liberty, Mississippi
Anggiilahs SILVER, Liberty, Mississippi
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

As I shed these tears
I think about how
You disappeared
All the light
You gave my life
Was taken away
That rainy night
All those awaiting kisses
Were simply dismissed
How could you do me like that?
Its as if you couldn't
Let me be happy?
You were happy too though
I saw through your soulful
Eyes that could never lie
Even when you said goodbye
It hurt you as much as me
Even when your heart pleaded
You still left me
My heart aches for yours
Our souls scream
For each other
Break both our spirits
Shatter our dreams
You know you feel it
But you deny our destiny
I don't understand
You have the answers
Yet you wont tell me
I need to be free
If we can't be
Let me see
Whats inside
Buried deep
Down in the depths of your
Heart mind and soul
Just let me see


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