Fallen Dreams | Teen Ink

Fallen Dreams

July 11, 2013
By Nousheen7 SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
Nousheen7 SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we write, because so much chaos is taking place inside us, that to refrain from letting out those personal intimacies is to refrain from the strength to continue living."

When a raindrop falls from the dark sky above
A tiny voice calls, in the distance looking for love
You can hear the thunder, lightning flashes in her eyes
Her body six feet under, trapped alone her soul cries
The ground wet with tears from the sky
Cold sweat, she fell from clouds a little too high

Once upon a time, a beautiful princess she was
That was the crime maybe that is what love does
Her heart knew no limit, when she fell so hard
Her mind it was split, between love and her guard
It is better to have love and lost, they told her
But no one, only her, knew the cost she paid in a blur

Now what is left, a single white rose
The petals fell on her chest, and with snow they froze
Her heart it still beats, a silent scream
While her breath it still fleets, she wakes from this dream
Grasping for air, she sits up on her bed
The Darkness gives her a stare, her life had almost fled

She goes back to sleep, with a cold feel
She had fallen too deep, it was all too real

The author's comments:
This poem is a little dark but I do believe there can be a deeper connection to whoever is reading it.

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