One Day | Teen Ink

One Day

July 11, 2013
By Nousheen7 SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
Nousheen7 SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we write, because so much chaos is taking place inside us, that to refrain from letting out those personal intimacies is to refrain from the strength to continue living."

Love’s fool that treasures my heart
With many distances apart
There is no one to blame, just I to start
The one who is painting this work of art

Many have come but the chosen is one
He who comes from the state of the shining sun
Efforts futile to make this love undone
A journey with no clear destination has begun

This love for him that I have made
Deep in my heart it shall never fade
No price will be ever paid
To see our souls hidden in a masquerade

Time walks the roads alone
While we see our lives to be grown
And watch every fall the leaves to be blown
Wondering every second may I be of his own

Should our paths ever cross one day
Even if long gone and faraway
That is where I long stay
Forever in your arms I could die away

Love is real, Love is not just a shield
We can never try to yield
This love will be revealed
And to each other our hearts will not be concealed

The author's comments:
One Day I hope we all find who we are looking for.

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