A Modern Tragedy | Teen Ink

A Modern Tragedy

October 23, 2008
By Murphy Vaughn BRONZE, Belton, South Carolina
Murphy Vaughn BRONZE, Belton, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s an obsession I crave,
And a secret I keep.

Locked up inside,

Only one holds the key.

It’s a burning passion,

Running through my skin.
Runs so deep,

I’m running so thin.

It’s tortured desires,

Desires we have to hide.
We’re a modern Shakespeare’s tragedy,

A secret we confide.

It’s a shame,

What we go through.

You can’t have me,

I can’t have you.

It’s hard to resist,

But easy to give in.

When you are all I crave,
What a delightful sin?


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