To Remember the Forgotten | Teen Ink

To Remember the Forgotten

December 28, 2013
By LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am startlingly frail
in your blind eye
but oh so beautifully pale
when you desperately try
to look through my heart
and discover the truth--
the only surviving part
of me and you.

Yes, I am perfect
in the lair of your bones
but only when you dissect
my body will you find the clones
that haunt my features
and corrupt my mind
Yes, only these creatures
are too imperfect to find.

But I am a splotch of red
on the cracked pavement
inside of your delicate head,
tied to the enslavement
of a memory too fond
and fatally cautious
of the immortal bond
that makes you nauseous.

Yet, my shadows reveal the key--
the one I left behind
in hopes of being free
from this constant rewind.
But see me for the truth
that I had once desired
and never mind the burning proof
that leaves me in the fire.


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