How the Crow Flies | Teen Ink

How the Crow Flies

December 21, 2008
By rebelliouself5 GOLD, Cranberry Twp., Pennsylvania
rebelliouself5 GOLD, Cranberry Twp., Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Never take life seriously, nobody lives through it anyway."

Oh, how the Crow flies
Swiftly through the tortured sky.
See how the Crow flies
Over fields of dead,
Over gruesome battle scenes,
Over tales of old.
Caw-aw! Caw-aw!
Hear how the Crow cries.
For the wounded and dying
For the fields of dead.
See the Crow fly
Passed pools of bodies,
By rivers of blood-
running through the marshes.
Watch how the Crow flies
As the wind ruffles its feathers,
Coasting over currents of gas
emanating from the cold,
dismembered bodies
Hear how the Crow flies
Crying its call of distress.
See how the crow flies,
A guardian for the lost souls of old.

The author's comments:
This poem was sort of inspired by a movie I saw. I was sitting in English class, listening to a guest speaker about poetry and the idea just came to me. It's about the Civil War and is dedicated to all the soldiers that have fought and/or died in any war to protect their country and people.


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