Curiosity | Teen Ink


April 2, 2015
By Rawrlikerue SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Rawrlikerue SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Naive, safe from Danger.

Ignorant, though I am the Prey.

Exploring, habitually keen with Curiosity.
I climb, scratching every limit I Possess.
I find myself halfway up, not Exposed...
Unknowing this is the most freedom I will ever Feel.


Awake, yearning for a rush I can Feel.
Ravaging throughout, I am Danger.
Amplifying my urge, I am hungry, must find my Prey.
Foolish children, trying my Curiosity.
Prancing, using every ounce of stealth I Possess.
I see it, I have found you, Exposed...


Remember what I’ve been taught, never be Exposed...
Notice of a soul, their fear so great, thats all I Feel.
I am in no imminent Danger.
No matter what happens, do not become the Prey.
I can not look away, too much Curiosity.
A statue, holding myself still with all I Possess.


They fight each other, That’s all the knowledge they Possess.
Search & survive, never be Exposed..
This dance is all they know, this fear is all they Feel.
They are in Danger.
Animals are accustomed to Predator and Prey.
I wonder through the halls of the museum, attempting to tame my Curiosity.

The author's comments:

Sestina, Animal Theme, Predator & Prey

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