Daily Routine | Teen Ink

Daily Routine

June 10, 2015
By McHanna BRONZE, Tirana, Other
McHanna BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You won't have things handed to you by being lazy and lying around while doing nothing, if you want something, you have to earn it."

My mom looks at me every day,
Gives me this look first thing in the morning,
All I do is crash on the sofa and hope for the best,
When it passes, off to school I go without much rest.

I get to class,
And simply crash,
My mind in disarray,
Waiting for the day to pass away.

Back home I go,
Off to my trusty sofa I flow,
Only to be blocked by a giant dam,
One that is my mom.

We do this every day,
But only to my dismay,
Whatever shall I do,
To break free of my curse?

The author's comments:

I love my mom but I wish she lets me relax a bit more.

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