As we Die | Teen Ink

As we Die

December 16, 2015
By Jin_Saratomi BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Jin_Saratomi BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I came to this land with wheat to sow,

but are now forced to grasp the bow.

A peacful life is all that I wanted,

however now that is merely taunted,

as our foes attempt to lay us low.


Many friends and foes fall to blows,

and become food for the crows;

by the end of the day all are haunted,

As we die.


As the wind blows to and fro,

the meadow fills with the throws

of the dead and dying, and thus so daunted

were we all as to make this war ever so unwanted.

As we die.


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