suicide | Teen Ink


February 6, 2009
By RebbecaAnn BRONZE, Woodburn, Oregon
RebbecaAnn BRONZE, Woodburn, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You can&#039;t disguise a heart while it&#039;s breaking<br /> You hide behind the smile you&#039;re faking<br /> It&#039;s all about the the chance you&#039;re taking<br /> Oh, and you know that you&#039;re making it all come alive&quot;<br /> &quot;Ich werde mich meine Boden und Kampf f&uuml;r meine &Uuml;berzeugu

Locked up as if in a jail,
Everday waiting for a little letter,
Telling me it will be okay and get a little better.

Little by little do they know my blood loss is great,
But yet unknown why so,
Taking me to counselors,
I release and set free every detained thought.

Shocked they stare at me,
Yet trying to help.

Get away,
For I know what you will say,
"Here's pills.
They're antidepressants,
No thoughts of suicide,
But I may be wrong in your case,
Take rubber bands,
No more razor blades,
Just snap them and you'll be okay."

Breaking down,
In time of need,
No friends to help,
All too busy with something else.

It's in my hand,
Pointed at my head,
The gun,
It's even loaded,
Pulling the trigger slowly,
No regrets for what I'm about to do.

I feel cold,
All I see is white,
I hear sirens,
And voices that are telling me I'll be okay.

I'm scared,
Even though I did this to myself.

I never said good bye,
I never told you I was leaving,
I thought you wouldn't care,
Now I'm dead,
And you cry over my body.

I'm in heaven now,
Don't be sad,
It was meant to be,
I'll be your angel,
Because you were there for me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 7 2009 at 7:23 pm
Krystle PLATINUM, Cape Coral, Florida
37 articles 6 photos 1 comment
Wow I can completly relate to this and sometimes people don't realize that you need them until its to late.