you know??? hurts... | Teen Ink

you know??? hurts...

January 20, 2009
By Qutii_Pii SILVER, India, Other
Qutii_Pii SILVER, India, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life has no meaning for me anymore...
'cause it was you where I lived for...
I don't ever want to fall in love again...
'cause it can hurt so much, damn...
the only way for me to leave this all behind...
is to see you just one more time...
you have probably already forgotten about me...
but I haven't about you can't you see?...
why didn't it last long?...
why are you already gone?...
I can't bare to see people in love...
it makes me wanna scream and throw with stuff...
why are they happy and not I?...
please tell me, why o why?...
I did all kind of things with you...
don't tell me it was a lie that you liked it to...
I don't regret the things that I did...
I'm a young woman not a little kid...
helpless and powerless am I floating in this live...
just hoping that some day I will be somebody's wife...
I will always dream about it that it will be you...
but I know it will never be true...
that's why I feel so much sadness...
and that's why my life is such a mess...
I don't want to be me any longer...
I am weak and I'm not getting stronger...

The author's comments:
hey....guyzzz if u lykde dat dan u can hv more jst mail me on [email protected]

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This article has 2 comments.

mastermind said...
on Jul. 3 2009 at 11:23 am
hey..dis poem is rilly worthy..i'l pray 4 u dear..n hope u'l get all d succs in lyf..n keep wrtng stuffs..wil wait 4 ur nxt poem followng ur happy love lyf again..

mani123456 said...
on Apr. 18 2009 at 8:05 am
HEY nice poem,

dis poem is comes frm ur heart i liked it very much................