Don't Dance for Them | Teen Ink

Don't Dance for Them

February 22, 2009
By Alexxxandra77 BRONZE, Hinton, Other
Alexxxandra77 BRONZE, Hinton, Other
3 articles 1 photo 4 comments

They say that when you dance,
Your soul opens to the world.
That a dancer's personality should
Flower and unfurl.

When you dance you should be raw,
Vulnerable and exposed.
You have to just let go and
Make your heart remove its clothes.

They say that when you dance,
You've got nothing to hide.
You have to open up your heart
And show just what's inside.

Let your feelings pool upon the floor
So you can splash around
In the puddles of emotion
That you've spilled upon the ground

They say that when you dance,
You should be confident and strong.
That if you ever make mistakes,
You never show that you were wrong.

But all the things that they might say,
Sometimes they just don't help.
No matter if they're right or wrong,
Dont' dance for them, dance for yourself.

The author's comments:
Being a dancer myself, there is so much pressure about being technically correct, and at the same time trying to express yourself. It can get frustrating, and sometimes you just have to dance for no one else but you.


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