Evil | Teen Ink


March 4, 2009
By babybunny DIAMOND, Hickory, North Carolina
babybunny DIAMOND, Hickory, North Carolina
56 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"there are no friends or enemies in this life; just selfish desires based on instincts and self lustings."

I am the wind.
I am the fire.
I am the heart's deepest desire.
I am the creature that runs from the light,
But transforms by th night.
I am the lightning.
I am the thunder.
I do not plunder,
But if you're out at night,
Then you'd better run,
Because food I don't shun.
I am the wind.
I am the fire.
I am the heart's deepest desire.

The author's comments:
this is about a dream i had.


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