with luci | Teen Ink

with luci

December 13, 2016
By Jbsmooth BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
Jbsmooth BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Luci can be the sweetest person you know
She's like an angel that fell right from the sky
Luci has aspirations that one day she might fly
Up so far in the clouds so high
Higher than where all those angels lie.

Luci likes to watch the dandelions blow
The direction that they go determines on the flow
Of the wind and sits and watches them do so
If only she was as free as to where she could go
Back on up to the clouds hanging low

As times go on Luci gets cold
Her heart not as elegant as once before
Her face as beautiful as an aurora in the Alaskan night sky
But her heart as ruthless as non other.

She sits and plots and throws small rocks
Her expression remains dreadful
She brings me down and others too
For she could never be where the angels lie again.
Forever stuck down here at least until she dies

The author's comments:

Luci represents lucifer. I rhymed the first part of my poem because luci was being described as being great. then the second half i didnt rhyme because it describes her as being heartless so i showed informality.

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