it would be nice to have a friend like me sometimes... | Teen Ink

it would be nice to have a friend like me sometimes...

March 12, 2009
By JessikaJade GOLD, Miami, Florida
JessikaJade GOLD, Miami, Florida
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

im always the one to help people. with their problems and lives and such. ill do anything i can to make sure the people in my life are happy. im always there when someone needs a favor or advice or just maybe someone to be there to listen. im not a person who says No when it comes to things like that. i love to be the one to solve a problem for someone. but im a person too. someone who needs advice from time to time or just someone to be there for ME. its nice to have someone to ask me how am i doing out of random. not me trying to find someone to help me when i need it and to see that all they care about is there own problems. themselves is the person they care about unless they need something ofcourse. sometimes i wish i had someone like me. that i can talk to and get advice. or sometihng to talk to to get things off my head. i wish i had a friend like me sometimes.

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