The poetry compilation of a nyctophile | Teen Ink

The poetry compilation of a nyctophile

January 8, 2017
By Anonymous

Poem of poetry
Broken Girl
Fellings are like a weight
Fear her
Shadow cove











Now how shall I describe such a perfect feat of beauty
For the image that I see is one that will never be seen as gloomy
The darkness blankets me like a silken starry haze
the cold I do not feel for I keep a warm sweet gaze
The high risen mountain around me has a silouette of silver
the perfect sheen of white and black in a perfect winter
An orb of shining gentle light carries me to paradise
the world around me fades away to stars like adelwiess
my galexy that cloaks me on a long and gleaming road
the soft pure serenity like a river that has slowed
and this is how shall I describe such a flawless gleaming light
without simply saying, "It was a pretty night".





Poem about poetry.
It flows in rhyming cuplets,
or it tells about octuplets
It can count the syllables
or it can talk of dirt that's tillable
It has a rhythm like a song
as complicated as majong
It doesn't really need to rhyme
it just has to have that chime
The word that makes you say
"Oh, that really makes my day"
For this is a poem about poetry
or so it is supposedly
not about what the poet sees
or even exact symmetry
for my words have ambibuity
and my minds eye an acuity
for theese words take ingenuity
and an amount of heterogeneity
absolutely no geometry
because poetry is fun
and everyone knows that geometry is no fun.
but going back to poetry
I swear I have normal psychometry
a poem must be something that can me pleasurably read
it can even be a poem about something that is dead
It's all about interpretation
and a poets hold over word creation.
Shakespeare, Frost and Dickinson
Poe, Yeats and Tennyson
any person similar to Firth
must be worth his own Wordsworth.
And that my friends is poetry,
Though I would have rather written of tree's






Broken Girl.
My mind is shattered
my soul is ripped
in my own battle
the scales are tipped
I'm loosing to my fear
I'm slipping away
I want to shed my tears
but I smile and brush them away.
I'm like a pane of glass
splintered by a stone
all it takes is one more tap
and then I'll be gone.
Then somebody comes along
and makes me feel alright.
They fix me with their love
and warm me with their light.
They brush away my fears
they take away my pain
and then when all is better
they disappear into the rain
And the circle never stops, for here I am, broken again.





Feelings are like a weight.
Fear is like an ivy, spreading everywhere
Sorrow is like a flower, wilted without care
Grief is like a cloud, always covering the sun
Anger is like a fire, a raging storm that starts from one.
Pain is like everything you love being held just out or reach
but curiosity is like feeling sand for the first time on a beach.
Joy is like a sugar rush that lasts for so much longer
Love is like a warm hug always given by a lover
Excitement is like waiting for the best to always come
Cold is like a darkness, felt inside a tomb.




Tears can be a poison, a blessing, or a curse.
Tears can be happiness, sadness, or worse.
Tears can be from yawning, the wind or the cold.
Tears can be cried out by the weak and the bold.
Tears can be from pain, from tickles or from scares.
Tears can be from sleep, dreams and nightmares.
Tears can be from panic, grief, or longing.
Tears are always tears, and tears are always falling.




Fear her.
I fought the fight inside my mind
I won the war but the fight's not over.
I hid inside my bunker of stone
I waited til the bombs were gone.
The battle stripped my mind away
It made me someone else.
I struggle on day by day
I'm living in a hell.
I lost the battle in a life long war.
but I'll get us tomorrow.
The soft girl is gone, in her place, a beast.
Fear me as I roar.



Keep it inside under lock and key
Keep it hidden where no one can see
Keep it safe and keep it sound
Keep it where it can never be found.
Keep it quiet, keep it small
Keep it silent behind a wall
Keep it tucked deep in a chest
Keep it with you when you rest.
Keep it in a tight closed net
Keep it mysterious,
Keep it secret...



Shaddow cove.
Hide behind the sweetest smile
Scream into the sience.
Laugh and giggle but all the while
You choke back sobs and down bile.
Demons and darkness in the mind
Monsters in the soul.
Bloodstained ropes and chains that bind,
Heart as black as coal.
Dance and play and smile in sun
or break and shake and sob til done.
All is lost, there is no hope
Shadow consumes the light.
But in the real world you say you cope
Until you feel the darkness bite.

The author's comments:

I hope that my poetry compilation can help people to understand that people don't always feel how they say they do. I hope that others who feel this way can see my poetry and know that they are not alone.

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