Through the dreadful...comes the beautiful. | Teen Ink

Through the dreadful...comes the beautiful.

March 14, 2018
By MaggieMay2004 BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
MaggieMay2004 BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  The night was loaded with omens,

Lighting that is as bright as the sun,

The wind screaming through the storms.

Rain spraying a fountain of water,

Turning it to a dangerous metal.

The grieving sky compelled the stranger's admiration and regret.

Traveling all over the world,

Always going, always moving, always traveling.

Strictly for business, this was the work of an evil man.

The dreadful storm descending down in a desolate town.

The late afternoon changed everything.

The bad became the beautiful

Waves of color that burn and glow

From red to yellow, yellow to green, green to blue,

Colors, north, south, east, and west.

Dazzled by the clarity of the light

The sky, the most enchanting colors in the world

The bad became the good

The sun bright as crystals, no language could do it justice

The whole sky sparkles with diamond plumes.

The wind waved at the explosion of dazzling jewels

Can see it from miles in every direction

Like light, lighting up the late afternoon sky. 

Dazzled by the light, dazzled by the color, dazzled

Even through the dreadful there is something beautiful.

The author's comments:

This is a Found poem based on the two excerpts " Travels with Charley" by John Steinbeck and " The Weather of New England" By Mark Twain.

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