why is this changing people? | Teen Ink

why is this changing people?

April 4, 2009
By SETH KOHUT SILVER, Springfield, Ohio
SETH KOHUT SILVER, Springfield, Ohio
6 articles 8 photos 0 comments

a boy lost and confuses
walking this earth
not knowing who to trust or who to love
what is this little boy to do?
a blond little boy who use to be full of love
but time has changed this little boy
love no longer fills his eyes
instead of trusting people and loving them
he is always on alert wating for the next attack
why did the world have to take such a sweet
little boy that had nothing but love to offer?
why did the the world have to twist this little boys hopes
and turn them dark?
what is the world coming to?
its changing people....what else will it change?

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