Story of Armina | Teen Ink

Story of Armina

September 5, 2021
By Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
24 articles 45 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If they strain me up tight, why, let 'em look out! I can't bear it, and I won't.” ---- Black Beauty

Miles away in a faraway place
There lived a king and a queen
All people greeted them with grace
And they lived in a castle beyond ruin

They had a beautiful little daughter
Who was as brave as a lion
Every enemy would she slaughter
And treat a friend like a dandelion

But one day came three witches
With their minds full of evil
They wanted the kingdom's riches
And feed the gold crops to a giant weevil

The first witch snarled and said
''I will bring down poverty
But if the riches at my feet are laid
You'll be paid for your loyalty''

The second witch growled and said
''I will bring down woe
But if everyday I'm royally dressed
Nobody will be my foe"

The third witch cackled and said
"I will bring down death
But if everyday I'm royally fed
Nobody in pain shall writhe"

Then out came the princess
With a tiger on her heels
Her hair flailing like a lioness
With anger pouring out it seems

"Go away if you want to live"
Roared the brave little girl
"If you listen I'll forgive
Or else thus sword at you'll hurl"

"Stay away from this lass"
The witches thundered togather
"You are as delicate as silk grass
You wouldn't want to wither "

The ignited the princess much more
She threw the sword at the witches
Indeed a magic the sword wore
Which blasted apart the evil witches

"Hail princess Armina!"
The subjects of the king shouted
"She is our kingdom's Athena
By whom the evils got blasted "

Hence the kingdom was named
After the braveheart of the masses
Who were never again afraid
And lived without the fear of wickedness

The author's comments:

This is a short story that I made and expressed in the form of poetry. It's about a brave little princess who saves her kingdom.

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