Soul Tied | Teen Ink

Soul Tied

September 15, 2024
By mylessonmarss BRONZE, Pikesville, Maryland
mylessonmarss BRONZE, Pikesville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Told me he loved me on his bed

Feel my face changing shades like a chameleon

Gently he placed his giant hands on my head

at this point my heart exploded into millions


Pieces will he leave me?

or many moments more?

spending the rest of my life with he

because anything more without him is a bore


Rings i thought of since the very beginning

nothing less, nothing more, you’re something i’ll always adore

as we sit on the sheets, my thoughts soar

and the setting sun shines on your beautiful brown skin

that day you slowly healed my heart, ripped and torn

at that very moment i felt our souls sync


Forever yours, forever mine, forever together— soul tied

The author's comments:

This is my first love poem that didn’t feel corny to write about

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