home coming | Teen Ink

home coming

September 27, 2011
By Chuckie BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
Chuckie BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You cannot look at a situation clearly with your eyes closed.... or someone covering them&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -me

Crying showers of pure sweet rain,
A love that cannot be tamed.

With hope renewed,
Oh, sweet, simple,yet supple hope.

Holding me softly,
With strong arms pull me close.

Oh, so gently,
Tug on the strings of my heart,
pull me from the things that tempt.
Take me, oh lord, to you.

And when my time is done,
and come to you ,
please grant me the privilege,
to sing with angels on high,
and give you your rightful praise

"Glory be to God,
the one who saves.
Heavenly Father,
Calmer of the seas,
Creator of life,"
I shall shout down the hills and mountains,
for it to echo and echo for generations to come.

To be with you forever more,
and walk hand and hand.

Praise be to the one who gives life anew,
and loves the retch like me.

Hold me softly,
With strong arms pull me close.

Oh, so gently.

The author's comments:
I Wrote this peace after my grandpa died in 2010. For me, it symbols a sense of hope and faith for anyone that takes the long, treacherous, and yet wonderful journey along side the Lord.

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