What is love? | Teen Ink

What is love?

September 24, 2011
By Liya Zevelev BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Liya Zevelev BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My pride, my joy, my precious dove,
Please answer me this, what is love?
Tell you I love you, this I can,
I'll say it time and time again

These days, my words, they will ring true,
I will be filled with love for you,
Your flowing hair, your creamy skin,
They will ignite me from within

My sweet, do know, this precious feeling,
Fills every fiber of my being,
I ache to feel your silky hair,
To smell your fragrance fill the air

At each day's end I love you more,
Stronger than the day before,
But how I'll feel at rooster's crow,
The day that follows, I don't know

My love, live with me for today,
Believe in me, the words I say,
We'll bask in happiness, we'll tackle sorrow,
For love is living for today, and hoping for a great tomorrow

The author's comments:
I was assigned to write this poem for English class

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