Stop War | Teen Ink

Stop War

January 8, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

A peace meeting was held,
between two countries.
A peace meeting was held,
to setup happiness and peace.

The environment was so tensed,
and the officers were angry.
Peace seemed to be drenched in,
Death and Misery.

The meeting was cancelled,
and the war begin.
The Earth was painted red.
Like it was sin.

The more you sweat in peace,
The less you bleed in war.
I know, someone has said this.
So it is better idea then war.

War creates the situations,
That are bad for everyone.
War destroys nations,
And destroys the nation’s proudest one.

War is not trustworthy,
Because it takes away or people from us,
War doesn’t set us free,
It takes away our freedom from us.

I don’t want war,
Because I don’t like violence.
So many people becomes sky’s star,
So stop the silly war, hence.

The author's comments:
war has hitted the mankind many times.It brought so much destruction.
We should make our little to stop this war.

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