My Beautiful Ski | Teen Ink

My Beautiful Ski

February 7, 2012
By Caroline Cruickshank BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
Caroline Cruickshank BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Finally winter break had come,
Happy as I could be.
I went smiling down the trials,
Showing off how I ski.

Only thinking how proud I was,
Of my beautiful ski.
I rode down the trail in cool footwear,
Dodging all of the trees.

I couldn’t believe this nice day,
Had treated me so well.
As I swooshed down the mountain top,
Lunch came and rang the bell.

It was noon time now, time for lunch,
People piled off the trails.
I stayed for one last run before food,
But it was a big fail.

With no one else left on the trail,
No one could injure me.
This run would be so fantastic,
No chance of a hurt ski.

I ended up flopping down the slope,
Where I just couldn’t stop.
Head to toes I tripped and tumbled,
All the way from the top.

My beautiful ski had broken,
The run was going great.
So maddening, it truly was,
And my heart, it did break.

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