Titanic Ballad | Teen Ink

Titanic Ballad

February 9, 2012
By Gracie Welling BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Gracie Welling BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Now, this is a story I am willing to tell,
About my friend Mary, and how we both fell,
One day, off a ship and into the blue,
Oh how I wish not, that day I still rue.

It started one morning, the sea clear as glass,
We both boarded the ship, and went to first class,
My whiskers tingled as we walked aboard,
But Mary just held me, looking quite bored.

We walked to the deck, and Mary waved bye,
But I felt uneasy, I looked at the sky,
Mary said, this ship couldn’t be sunk,
But I couldn’t sleep, and tossed in our bunk.

Suddenly we were thrown by a gigantic lurch,
And Mary fell squealing, off of her perch,
The ship teetered one way, and then once again,
And water came swirling, around from the bend.

Mary had clutched me close to her chest,
Both of us dressed in our Sunday best,
Me with a bow tied to my neck,
And with Mary clutching a wet bonnet.

We both struggled, to climb up the stairs,
While people around us ran up in pairs,
Finally reaching the top of the ship,
We clutched a wet railing as the boat tipped.

Mary was scared and started to pine,
She couldn’t bear leaving her poor cat behind,
But her grip on the railing was not a tight bond,
With me in her arms, I knew she couldn’t hold on.

I loosened myself from her cold thin arms,
But she took me back, despite my alarm,
We’ll go together, she said holding me tight,
And fell to the water, dark as the night.

This is the story of Mary, and me,
And how we were lost, into the great sea,
But if you listen hard, you’ll hear our warning,
The soft cry of woe, and much foreboding.

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