The Prisoner | Teen Ink

The Prisoner

March 23, 2012
By Mrswriter606 BRONZE, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
Mrswriter606 BRONZE, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The streets filled with blood and bodies.
The sadness was so much to bear.
The warm air, the cold floor,
The summer of 1944.
Why do you do what you do?
Why did you almost kill all Jews?
Brown eyes, brown hair.
You were shot in despair.
Brown eyes, blonde hair.
You were stuck in a room of toxic air.
Through the night.
If the Jews made one sound of movement,
They say their last goodnight.
Dead bodies in the streets
On the lawn and on the concrete.
Why so cold?
Why do you kill the ones you were?
All through the night,
Right before the big loud bang of a gun.
On April 20th, 1889 a monster was born.
1944 brought a sign of relief,
But still fear streaked through the soul of a Jew.
Blue eyes
Blue eyes
Your ticket to freedom was your eyes.
Love your family,
Love your friend,
Tomorrow could have been you very end.

The author's comments:
We are studying the Holocaust in reading class and I went home and watched a movie about it. The poem came to me afterwards as something I wanted to write.

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