I love my sailor | Teen Ink

I love my sailor

April 23, 2012
By senior2012 BRONZE, Paxton, Illinois
senior2012 BRONZE, Paxton, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m so in love with my sailor
yet were always apart,
and though the days are hard
your always in my heart.

I hold you in my heart
until you can be by my side
it gets harder and harder
every night that passes by.

I see you in my thoughts
all my fantasies and dreams
your the only one I think of
or so it truly seems.

I imagine all the good times
the ones where we laughed and cried
I can only miss you more
and I wish you were at my side.

The ocean took you away
now I just want you here
I really wish in that moment
that you would just appear.

Though I know you will be back
it still hurts me when your gone
I wish you never had to leave
but somehow I’ll move on.

I worry about you and your safety
the secret tears still flow
but through all this
you still love me so

I'm so proud of my navy boy
I cant wait to see you again
but this is the hard and joy filled life
of what we call a proud navy wife.

The author's comments:
My best friend left for the war in Iraq. He knew everything about me. i just wish he would be home already.

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