Enough. | Teen Ink


June 7, 2012
By Mariah McLean BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
Mariah McLean BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don't expect me to be the doll you can dress anyway you want,
I'm not some toy for you to flaunt.
And all those you tease and taunt,
Will live forever with your words ghost like haunt.

And to those you have caused the most dread,
You have yet to hear what needs to be said.
Words of those whom you had led,
So that on the inside they may be dead.

To those who have suffered the most,
You have played the parasite to their host,
Feeding on flaws, insecurities you did post,
And to those around you did boast.

For such a win you thought you had,
How could you know it hurt so bad?
So many tears it made me mad,
That to cause such pain would make you glad.

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