Destruction of the Black Moon | Teen Ink

Destruction of the Black Moon

June 13, 2012
By Ayaco1994 BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
Ayaco1994 BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Destruction of a black moon,
Accentuates the sorrow within my heart.
The terror of a frozen sun,
Has made me drift apart apart.

The bleakness of a white plain,
Makes me cower in my soul,
The darkness of the dragon river,
Rips in me a hole.

I can feel myself no more,
The magic suddenly gone,
But the numbness in my finger tips
Somehow moves me on.

Have you ever been surrounded?
Yet felt so very alone?
The word of them around you as friendly as can be?
Yet you shiver at the maliciousness hidden in undertone?

I can't help but cry at the things I'll never know,
And never stop dreaming of what I need to learn,
I hope to God myself recovers,
For it is the knowledge that I yearn.

The beauty of the night,
Is lost upon me,
Though it lies above,
It is something I cannot see.

The death of my soul
I cannot escape,
And what is right and what is wrong,
Is in an eternal debate.

The Destruction of a black moon,
Lies within my heart.
The terror of a frozen sun,
Has made me drift apart…

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem while I was in the middle of a depression. I was struggling to define what it was that I was feeling, and this was the result of those efforts.

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