Night Sky Admirer | Teen Ink

Night Sky Admirer

August 11, 2012
By ithilien_lady BRONZE, Chatsworth, California
ithilien_lady BRONZE, Chatsworth, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Eowyn!" - Faramir (from the Lord of the Rings trilogy)

Thou once spoke:

“Oh gleaming star, shining bright
Thine eyes possess a power
Irresistibly mesmerizing to the beholder.
So deep, so fair
And yet no pair could be colder.

My star, shoot across the skies
Ever dancing in my horizon,
Exposed to the world, yet only to me,
My maiden, sparkle
Bright enough for my eyes to see.

Dance, long through the night
Thy hair long and flowing
Shyly concealing thy pallid, slender body.
Obsession takes over
My mind now so quick, so haughty.

Desire hath no mercy for me
How swift it wholly condemns
Thou still prance along in the midnight
While I suffer,
Hating my star so lovely and bright.

I wish my eyes never shone on
Thy splendor so plentiful
How corrupted is my soul! Such pain—
For fear of losing
My star, why aren’t thou chained?

Never can I possess thy love
Thou art too pure and distant
My love shall never depart, sweet star
I beg thou don’t worry
But keep shining as you are!”

The author's comments:
This was inspired by a few words once spoken to me. I hope that this poem reaches your heart, and if you're one in this position of feeling undeserving or unworthy, I beg you to have a change of heart, for there is no such thing.

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