Anne Frank | Teen Ink

Anne Frank

February 14, 2013
By Amanda Sabin BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Amanda Sabin BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anne Frank grew up in Germany in the 1930’s
Living life like any normal child would
She lived in a house with her family in a quiet Jewish neighborhood
Without a care in the world

Then a man came into power
Declaring Jews were Germany’s problem
Saying he would rid his country of the weaker race
Anne’s family included

Her family hid in an upstairs apartment
Along with several other families in the same position
They lived in fear of being found
By the Nazis who would tear their life to the ground

They lived in the apartment for months on end
Until the police finally found them
They bound their hands behind their back and forced them down the stairs
Put them in a truck and took them to the middle of nowhere

She lived in a concentration camp for several months
Separated from her family, with little food or water
Then finally, Anne’s struggles were over
And she met her heavenly father

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