Ballads by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


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Cumming, Georgia

Through my window I see fields of green And kids playing I wonder what they dream Through my window I see skies of blue And puffy white clouds They look like you Throug...
.AKA. DIAMOND, Cumming, Georgia
62 articles 7 photos 31 comments

Rochester, New York
VisionTru PLATINUM, Rochester, New York
41 articles 6 photos 28 comments
By kmathew PLATINUM
New City, New York
kmathew PLATINUM, New City, New York
48 articles 0 photos 8 comments
By DeeBear1982 BRONZE
Houston, Texas
DeeBear1982 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's the Joshua tree's struggle that makes it beautiful" -The glass castle

By Model_Me_Cullen SILVER
Republic, Missouri
Model_Me_Cullen SILVER, Republic, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

By universalc BRONZE
St. Louis, Missouri
universalc BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rely on no one but yourself.

By carlytracz PLATINUM
Manhattan, Kansas
carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
21 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We allow ourselves to dream without fear of how impossible it may seem.&quot; -Z.H.<br /> &quot;Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than &#039;I love you.&#039; is lying.&quot; -John Mayer.

By carlytracz PLATINUM
Manhattan, Kansas
carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
21 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We allow ourselves to dream without fear of how impossible it may seem.&quot; -Z.H.<br /> &quot;Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than &#039;I love you.&#039; is lying.&quot; -John Mayer.

By carlytracz PLATINUM
Manhattan, Kansas
carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
21 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We allow ourselves to dream without fear of how impossible it may seem.&quot; -Z.H.<br /> &quot;Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than &#039;I love you.&#039; is lying.&quot; -John Mayer.

By carlytracz PLATINUM
Manhattan, Kansas
carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
21 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We allow ourselves to dream without fear of how impossible it may seem.&quot; -Z.H.<br /> &quot;Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than &#039;I love you.&#039; is lying.&quot; -John Mayer.