Our World | Teen Ink

Our World

July 1, 2018
By relatefeelings BRONZE, Arcadia, California
relatefeelings BRONZE, Arcadia, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

We fought dragons,

We faced evil witches,

We roamed the seas,

We soared the skies.

And even though sometimes we lost,

sometimes we were scared,

sometimes we lost our direction,

sometimes we fell,

We never stopped trying,

We never ran away, 

We never got lost, 

We never let anything stop us,

Because we were with each other.

And even though somewhere along the way,

We may have gotten caught in the evil witch's spell,

And we are no longer with each other,

Our adventures, a distant memory,

I'm really glad I got to meet you.


until the very end,

you are my very best friend.

The author's comments:

" So don't cry because it's over,

smile because it happened."

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